CO Alarm Activation 565 Long Mountain Rd Effort
POLK TOWNSHIP: 5:08 pm There is a CO Alarm Activation at 565 Long Mountain Rd in Effort. Polk Township Volunteer Fire Co., West End Volunteer Fire Co/ responding
POLK TOWNSHIP: 5:08 pm There is a CO Alarm Activation at 565 Long Mountain Rd in Effort. Polk Township Volunteer Fire Co., West End Volunteer Fire Co/ responding
3:02 pm There is a Motor Vehicle Accident Rt 115 & Meixsell Valley Rd Saylorsburg, PSP on scene is requesting EMS for a patient evaluation. West End Ambulance responding.
CHESTNUTHILL TOWNSHIP: 12:38 pm There is a Motor Vehicle Accident at 333 Merwinsburg Rd in Effort, one vehicle into a tree with injuries. UPDATE: 1:24 pm 43-9-3 advised MCCC that Station 43 is Clear...