Another wave of snow is on it’s way

Wilkes Barre that is at the north end of the new wave of snow is in a total whiteout, we should be getting the southern end of the snow wave soon as it is out by Pottsville heading east.

If your driving we suggest getting off the roads just incase it gets bad and if your at home stay there if you can.

2 Responses

  1. Mr. De says:

    I get it and your right…Most people in general around here should stay off the roads…Do not drive with flashers on and pull over to let people pass. If it’s that much of a struggle for one to drive stay home!!! Its gonna snow and rain and sleet like it or not…Don’t you love it when people move here than complain about the winter…lol

    • Gladys says:

      Some people do have to drive when it snows. It is a struggle, but our jobs need us to be there. Sorry if you have to slow down behind me.

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