Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder will be missing from the West End Fair after 40 plus years

1 Response

  1. Very sad !!!
    Unfortunately the recruitment of the next generation of volunteers has been corrupted by power ! I have watched on several occasions young folks walk away from this commitment and not because of lack of interest but more so legal corruption !!
    My last few years as a volunteer in Monroe County was a real eye opening experience ! I witnessed on multiple occasions friendships & families destroyed over selfishness and swollen heads !
    When I joined the fire serving over 20 years ago there was a strong sense of community service, family, friendship and comrodary !
    Politics, Selfishness & Power have destroyed a great thing ! If the community was aware of how elections are manipulated and power overrides knowledge on many levels I am sure they would not be happy !! These issues need to be addressed or unaffordable taxes in Monroe County will substantially be affected by costs of paying for a paid fire service !!
    Someone needs to infiltrated a few company’s and bring these actions to a halt !!! No matter whose feeling may get hurt this behavior needs to stop in order to rebuild some insensitive for the next generation of volunteers !!!

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