Britax B-Agile and BOB Motion Strollers Recall
Britax Click & Go Recall Products Included In Recall: Britax B-Agile and BOB Motion Strollers with Click & Go receivers (when used as a travel system)
For the past 70 years, Britax has been committed to improving child passenger safety with new technologies, rigorous testing, thoughtful design and ongoing community advocacy. It is through this dedication that Britax - in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Health Canada, and Profeco (Mexico) - is conducting a voluntary recall on all Britax B-Agile and BOB Motion Stroller models listed below.
This recall involves all Britax B-Agile and BOB Motion Strollers when using the Click & Go receivers to create a travel system (car seat attached to stroller frame).
NOTE: You can continue to safely use your stroller, in the recline-mode for an infant, without the car seat attached to the stroller.
The model numbers included in this recall are identified in the lists below:
S01298600, S01298700, S01635200, S02063600, S02063700, S02063800, S02063900, 02064000, S03803400, S03803500, S03803700, S03803800, S03803900, S04144400, S04144500, S04144600, S04144700, S04144800, S04144900, S04145000, S04183700, S04183800, S04184000, S04281200, S04281300, S04402800, S04437700, S04628500, S04884200, S04884300, S04884400, S04884500, S04975600, S04978900, S05060600, S05260200, S05511600, S05511700, S865800, S865900, S874300, S874400, S874500, S877200, S890100, S896000, S896200, S896600, S907200, S907300, S907400, S907500, S907600, S910200, S910300, S910400, S910500, S912300, S914300, S914500, S914700, S914900, S915200, S915400, S917400, S921800, S921900, S923700, U341763, U341764, U341782, U341783, U341825, U341826, U341828, U341X82, U34X782, U361763, U361818, U361819, U361825, U391875, U451835, U451837, U451841, U461763, U461764, U461782, U461783, U461825, U461826, U461828, U471818, U471819, U491842, U491843, U491844, U491908, U491909, U491910, U511875, U511877, U551835, U551837, U551841, U551861, U551862, U551863, U551864, U551865, U551905, U551906, U691878, U691879, U691881, U691882, U691884, U691904, U691905, U721895, U721896
BOB Motion:
S888600, S890200, S890300, S890400, S890500, S909700, S910600, S910700, S910800, S910900, S912600, U391820,
U391821, U391822, U481820, U481821, U481822, U501820, U501821, U501822, U501907
The model number can be found on the inside of the stroller’s metal frame near the right rear wheel for single strollers and in the front middle underside of the frame on double strollers.
Description of Hazard:
Britax has received reports of damaged Click & Go receiver mounts on the stroller frame, which can cause the attached car seat to disengage unexpectedly, posing a fall hazard to infants in the car seat. If the car seat falls to the ground, infants can sustain injuries, such as scratches, bruises, and/or bumps to the head.
What You Should Do:
You should immediately stop using your B-Agile and BOB Motion stroller as a travel system, however, it is safe to use your stroller in the recline-mode for infants.
1. Do not return product to the retailer.
2. Dispose of your Click & Go receivers.
3. Visit or contact Britax Customer Service Department at 1-844-227-0300:
a. To request a free repair kit, containing a replacement set of Click & Go receivers and instructions, for single strollers only.
b. To learn how to continue using the double stroller safely for infants.
Britax is committed to the safety of your child and we apologize for any inconvenience this matter may have caused.
If you have questions or concerns, contact the Britax Customer Service Department at the dedicated recall line: 1-844-227-0300. Customer Service business hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 7:00 p.m. ET and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. If you live outside of the US or Canada, you should e-mail