Build a Scarecrow & Pet Parade! October 28th, 2014 10:00 am
Build a Scarecrow then parade around the Ross Township Park, Saylorsburg on Saturday, October 28th, 2017 starting at 10:00 am.
West End Park & Open Space Commission will host the annual Pet Costume Parade at Noon.
This year we've invited Scarecrows to join the fun.
Build a scarecrow from 10:00 am to Noon then join the pet parade.
We'll supply the straw and you bring a frame (3 ft to 5 ft), clothes and accessories.
Prizes for both the pets and scarecrows!
Most Original·Funniest·Traditional Scarecrow·Owner Look-a-Like and more.
After the parade, scarecrows can be taken home or displayed in the park.
For more information Call 570-992-9733 or Email
Visit the Scarecrow Build and Pet Parade Event page by Clicking Here.
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