Motor Vehicle Accident Rt 33 North Saylorsburg
There is a motor vehicle accident on Rt 33 north in Saylorsburg, we are not sure of the exact milemarker as we are having problems hearing the radio transmissions. We did hear it was in the 20's.
UPDATE 5:41 pm" The accident is right by the Cherry Valley Winery.
Angelo Warren Mangione Updated us with the following: They hit a ladder that was in the road. The car flipped, went up into the trees and then landed on its roof. It was a young man and woman. The female was shaken up and had a few cuts and the man was fine. He was just angry about the ladder being there.
West End Volunteer Fire, Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder, EMS and State Police responding.
It was a young man and woman in their 20’s. They hit a ladder that was in the road. The car flipped and landed on its roof. The woman had minor cuts and bruises from what I saw and the man looked okay.