Motor Vehicle Accident Rt 715 and Smith Hill Rd Chestnuthill Township
CHESTNUTHILL TOWNSHIP: 10:09 am There is a two-vehicle accident with entrapment, one vehicle is in a ravine with entrapment at Rt 715 and Smith Hill Rd in Chestnuthill Township. Station 43-9 requested Station 27 for manpower. The caller believes that a male in one of the vehicle may have had a heart attack prior to the accident.
UPDATE: EMS 10:42 am 8-23 notified MCCC that they are enroute to LVH-Pocono and to cancel Air Medical.
UPDATE: 10:43 am 27-9-2 notified MCCC that Station 27 is clear and available.
UPDATE: 11:35 am 43-9 notified MCCC that Station 43 is clear and available.
West End Volunteer Fire Co., Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Co., West End Ambulance and State Police responding.