Motorcycle Accident Toll Rd and Merwinsburg Rd Effort (Photos and Video of MedEvac LZ Added)

CHESTNUTHILL TOWNSHIP : 1:05 pm There is a Motorcycle Accident at Toll Rd and Merwinsburg Rd Effort (The accident was actually on Jonas Rd between Toll Rd/Merwinsburg Rd and Juno Dr).

UPDATE 1:14 pm EMS is requesting MedEvac, landing zone will be at The Highlands on Jonas Rd.

UPDATE: Thomas Prutzman (75) of Albrightsville was riding his 1999 Yamaha Motorcycle when the front brakes locked up causing the accident. He hit his head (he was wearing a helmet) and suffered a broken leg. Because Mr. Prutzman has had a Triple By-pass and his Blood Pressure was very high at the time, West End Ambulance personnel made the decision to have him MedEvac'd to the hospital. He was flown to Lehigh Valley Cedar Crest in Allentown.

West End Volunteer Fire Company, West End Ambulance, Life Flight and State Police Responding.


3 Responses

  1. TB says:

    Any details on the accident and condition of the rider?

  2. West End Supporter Staff says:

    We just updated the story with the details that we were able to get.

  3. TB says:

    I wonder how he locked the front brakes on a dry road with good pavement? I ride that stretch of road to work, five days a week, on my motorcycle. One of the nicest stretches of road in the area.

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