Polar Express Week at the library
Join us at Western Pocono Community Library for Polar Express Week at the library.
Special Readings will be held at:
Wednesday, December 20th 1:00 p.m. and Thursday, December 21st, 6:30 p.m.
Story Times
Saturday, December 23rd, join us for the movie presentation of the Polar Express at 1:00 p.m. in our Community Room.
For Events in Monroe and Carbon Counties visit Monroe/Carbon County PA Events and Activities by Clicking Here.
For other Events happening within 50 Miles of "The West End of Monroe County" please check out our Community Calendar by Clicking Here.
Do you have or know of an upcoming event in the West End of Monroe County that we do not have listed? If so please send us a PM on our Facebook Page "The West End of Monroe County" with the details and if available an event flyer so that we can list it. This includes Yard/Garage/Moving Sales.
If you have or know of an Event in Monroe or Carbon County share it on Monroe/Carbon County PA Events and Activities.