Will you Boycott Yuengling for endorsing Donald J. Trump?


Richard "Dick" Yuengling Jr. threw his support to Trump this week. He even gave Eric Trump a tour of the popular brewery in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Yuengling Jr. is a billionaire and head of the 187-year-old beer company, which his great-great grandfather founded.

"Our guys are behind your father. We need him in there," Yuengling Jr. told Eric Trump on Monday,

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10 or 10.00%
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10 Responses

  1. Kevin W. says:

    Just makes me want to drink more yuengling.

  2. I would think it is only common sense that a sane person would support the only candidate who is NOT being indicted by the FBI, THAT being Donald J. Trump of course.

    I am not a beer drinker, but I will be cooking lots of beer- battered onion rings ad fish now. Yeungling has my full support. Go Trump. ..Jail for Hillary and Bill the rapist.

  3. We will see just how unbiased,fair,and impartial the West End Reporter is by it’s “allowed” commentary, meaning if they allow those who know The truth about the lying Clintons ,and oppose the Clinton Regime o post favorable commentary about TRUMP at all. One can only hope that we will not have to boycott The West End Reporter too if they are Clinton Cronies. We shall see if true freedom of the press still is in effect my fellow West End dwellers.

  4. Why would anyone support The Clintons is the real question? Do people want nuclear war? Oh well, at least this survey is useful in finding out how many authors,AKA Hillary supporters, are dwelling in the West End. Yeungling, A Toast To You and Donald Trump !

  5. Jacob says:

    Shame on you for even suggesting such a thing, Yuengling beer is part of Pa history and the owner can endorse whoever he wants, still good beer!

    • West End Reporter Staff says:

      Jacob this issue came to the national level by the main stream media and has blown up on social media, we in no way are suggesting a boycott.

  6. Harold Lake says:

    It’s damn good beer, and after learning this, I’ll buy it MORE OFTEN! I’m one of those DEPLORABLES, you know… Run for your safe spaces, Libtards!

  7. Bill says:

    Yes! Trump is a racist, homophobe, womanizing bully and bigot. He does not represent this country’s values nor does anyone supporting him.

  8. carl says:

    I just bought 2 cases, and now the F…..I has followed me home, I think they are Yuengling Fans

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